Anki review settings default
Anki review settings default

anki review settings default

Young and Mature cards that you’ve been reviewing for a while.These have never had an interval over 1 day. Learning cards are brand new cards that you just started learning.The ideal settings would have your accuracy for each of these groups of cards falling in the range you’ve decided work best for your goals. The anki settings we are discussing today affect three different groups of cards. But you should target a specific accuracy range to aid in adjusting your anki settings. This is really up to you, but personally I target accuracy around 80-85% because I am willing to trade some efficiency to make studying more enjoyable. Even 80% accuracy is dispiriting some days, and remember that this is average, so some days will be better and some days will be worse. On the other hand, 70% accuracy might be efficient, but forgetting 30% of the words you study every day can be soul crushing. 85% is just a bit less efficient than 80%. The efficiency curve is roughly parabolic, so the difference between 70% or 80% is negligible, but setting your anki settings to attain 90% accuracy you would need to study the same words roughly twice as many times which is clearly inefficient.

anki review settings default anki review settings default

The efficiency sweet spot seems to be in the 70-80% accuracy range. You might be tempted to adjust the settings even more so that your accuracy is doubly improved, but there is a point of diminishing returns where more frequent study yields less additional knowledge acquisition.ħ0-80% is most efficient with efficiency falling off rapidly outside this range. The settings above show cards to you more often than the default so that you fail cards less often. Start with anki’s defaults and change these settings: If you want the tldr and just want to plug in some settings that should work better for you, here you go. If you are studying another subject, scroll down a bit where I explain a little anki theory. This post suggests some anki settings which should make things a lot easier and goes on explain how the settings work. Many people are put off by the myriad of options in anki. Default anki settings are ok for learning general material, but sub-optimal for most people learning Japanese.

Anki review settings default